Attentional Difficulties (ADD)

According to NAMI it is estimated that around 9% of children and 4% of adults are diagnosed with having an attentional difficulty

Attentional difficulties are a combination of persistent problems such as difficulty sustaining attention, impulsive behaviors, and being extremely active.

Click here to learn more about ADHD


Having trouble staying focused on tasks

Appearing not to listen, even when spoken to directly

Having difficulty following through on instructions

Having trouble organizing tasks and activities

Avoiding or disliking tasks that require focused mental effort

Being easily distracted

Learn about more symptoms

treatment at care

Talk about issues that are bothering you and help you process the emotions

Explore negative behavioral patterns

Learn ways to deal with your symptoms

Teach parents how to develop ways to better understand and guide your child’s behavior

Family therapy

Social skills training: learn appropriate social behaviors



  • Have difficulty staying seated in the classroom or other situations
  • Being on the go and in constant motion
  • Having trouble playing or doing an activity quietly
  • Talking too much
  • Having difficulty waiting your turn
  • Interrupt other’s conversations, games, or activities
  • These symptoms negatively impact school, home life, or relationships in more than one setting such as at school and at home